

Saturday, March 26, 2011


di sini ak masih sendiri
merenungi hari-hari sepi
ak tanpamu, masih tanpamu

bila esokk hari dtg lagii
ku coba tuk hadapi smua ini
meski tanpamu oh meski tanpamu

bila ak dapatt bntang yg berpijarr
mentari yg tenang bersamaku dsni
ku dpt tertwa mnangis merenung
dtempatt ini ak bertahann


suara dgrkanlah ak .
ap khbrny pujaan htiku ?
ak dsini mnungguny
masih brharapp didlm hatinya
suara dgrkanlah ak
apakah ak ad dihatiny ??
ak dsni mnggunya
masih brharap di dlm htinyaa ....

P/S: ak trllu syg dy . ak brhrapp ak masih lg dihatiny . ak disini mnggunya . masih brharapp .. disini ak brdri merenungi hri2 sepi ..ak tnpmu . masih tnpmu ..
ku coba tuk hdapi smuany tnpamu . meski tnpamu ... meski tnpamu syggggg ...
nxt week exm . hope u'll get the best tht u had been searching for . oke ? i just wnt u to know tht i'll alwys be there to lend u a hand if u need to . i'll forgive u even u'd kill me :)
i'll smile infront of others but depply in my heart im crying . bcoz of u .. all promises had been broke . im satisfied if thts all could make u happy . aprriciate evrythng u had done to me . gave u all my love but u tossed it in the trash . at last those lyrics landed rte onto my nose . i'll just gve u an A+ for your acting . such a good pretender . im not angry at u or hate u . but, i want u to relize tht thre is someone loving u not like wht u said "tadak sapa herann kat owg . mua org bnci kat owg .. nak buat cm na ag . dh owg bnci bek owg unur dry dry kna buang" ...
my dear , i'll always be thre for u .. just lke wht i've said bfore . i'll run from the thousand miles away just to get with u .. keep tht !! sygg dy .

Friday, March 25, 2011


duhai bundaa .... duhai ayahanda .... dgrlah rntihan ankanda y jauhh dimata .. tnp ku sedari . air mtuku mnglir .. kan ku cium tgnmu bila kita brtemuu . kanku cium pipimu bilaa kitaa brtemu . itulahh tndaa ak perlukan doa dan restu kalian ,ayahanda dan bondaku ... mggu depann adlah mggu ujian utkku . buat pertama kaliny ak akn mngambil ujian sbgai pelajarr sekolahh teknik(sekolahh luar biasaa)*sprti y sllu dikatakn oleh our headmaster .. terasa bngga dgn pncpaian sekolahh kmy utk tahun ney . pelajaran menaik ttpy sukan ... semakin menurun ..... arghhh ! ak takot sgt . aktakot ak xdpt nk tunaikan hrapn depaaa . bukan ak xusaha cumaa ak xyakin . to ibu and ayah . i'll try my very best to proof to u all tht me , anith nabila binti azhar are capable to be an independent and a very excel girl . yesssss ! i can do it . doakanku ... hny doa dan restu kalian y ak prlu . terima kasih ibu ayah sbb dh bg kat anith keprcayaan itu semula , anith xakn siasiakan lg dh . cukop 2 kali . anith xmhu kali ketiga akn mgundang ssuatu y akn anith kesali utk sepnjg hdup anith . it is so meaningful to me as u all had give the trust back , i can say tht im really proud of it , depaa percayakan ak utk pulang sendiri dari TAIPING ke PENANG ... merentasi lautan dgn sendiri ., haha;DD
sesuatu y ak bolehh bnggakan . dan ak jdikan sbgai pmbakar smngt utk ak teurs bejaya dgn lebihh cemerlang lagi . amin

Saturday, March 19, 2011


weyyyy . ak mnx maaf auw ... ak tahukk ak salahhh . but , citaa ney dh lamaa kitaa settle kn3 ? why , tba2 ary neyy wujudd balekk . esokk dh nakk jmpa dan2 nakk gadohh . pls wey , ak sayang kaw awr . tadakk laenn dh at dalamm aty ak ney . tolong lahhh . tadakk masa awr nakk carii laen . only you . abg izal is my godbro ONLY . u are my ONLY BOYFRIEND . ! satisfied ? its a confession . okee ? i admit , tht beforee this i was just playing on u . but , now i've relized tht u are the one im searching for . u are the one who can be the most patience boy to entertain all my fussy wants . only u . ak sayang kaw sgt . tolong lahhh . muhd rizal itu adalahh abgku jaaa . xlebih dari tuh . thxx babe . u've make me cry ... AGAIN . guess wht ? u've promised me not to make me cry anymore rte ? but , u breakk ur promise my dear . im hurt :'(((
ubby ... im hurts . abby syg ubby aww . sokk owg nakk jmp dy . phm ?????? dekat tangga blok teknik . tngaa biasa . pukoll 8.30pm
no excuse ubby !!!!!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

17/03/2011 (IN MEMORY)

hangout wif my best czenn (syaza,yaya,zaharah,syasya)++ my bro and maisara
konon nk p makn simple2 ja tba chcken rce shop dpaa serangg ! 50 pluss kot just for our lunch . passs tuhh p nonton dongg . kmy bpecahhh . syaza,maisara,syasya and irfan p tengokk I AM NUMBER FOUR ... ak,z ngn yaya tengokk HIKAYAT MERONG MAHAWANGSA(terbaekkk dowww) . kat luaa cnema kmy brtga . tpy masokk dlm kmy jdy berenamm . huhhh ? pelikkk bin ajaibb . ney muaa sbb z masokkannn boyfie dy and the gang juaa .
lps nonton kmy kua cepatcepatt sbb SMSI(Syaza,Maisara,Syasya,Irfan) kna serang ngn BUDAKKK GEMUKKK ! HAHA:)
pdan mka depaaa .gedikk p cri pasai ,. org serang balekk mua pakat nganga jaaa ...
lpas cri budakk gemukk tuh dan xjmpaa kmy pon p la POPULAR kononny nk tgk2 jaa tpy trbeli gk sebuahh novel . haha:)) ANITH kot , manaaa bole xbelii . kn3 ? p ouitng ja bole habehkann 60-70rnggt sehari . ney kn pulakk hangout . bkn ckp riakk ah ! tpy, ak mg xskaa kedekut ngn adek bradekk . ngn kawankawannnn pon . and y lebihh penting tuhh bkn craa ak nk tarik prhatiannn depaa surohh kawann ngn ak . im not tht type of ppl yawww ! mark tht ... org nakk kawann ngn ak sbb kehendakk depaa . bkn sbb ak rasuahh gna duett ak . ag stuu ,. bkn sbb ak nk nnjukk kt org ak ad duet . so pls , hormatt cara ak . ermm , setelahh ak bebel pnjngg ney , i hope i've made myself clear . okee ?
errr ! salahkahh ak balekk terlewat siket dry masa y ak target ??????
ak dh mnx maaf pon . pa ag dy mawww ? tolong ah . jgn bg bsaqq cta ar . im not a small child tht can be shouted off .
princess are you hurt ? thts the question he asked after everythng he said to me ??? omg , wht is his problem ? wht a silly question bullshit !!!! im really pistttt off with all this crap . wht a miracle ,rte ? i've said such a DIRTY words to my hunny bunny loviee ??? yess , i've said tht to him . and he really got mad with it . same goes to me . so , both are mad . so , the solution , keep our bloody big fat mouth shutt for awhole nte . and the most ordinary thng tht i'll do is cry ... LOL :DDD

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

L O V E D R U N K :)

having you is the most precious thing
having you is the biggest thing ever happen to me
having you is the most favourite moment
having you by my side makes me smile :)
having you by my side makes me understand the meaning of love,sacrifice,trust and honesty .
we go through everything together , u never live me . with lots of patience u entertain each of my way of behaving . and thts what makes me love u . loving u is not a waste for me . loving u as who u are is what i take , not how u look and who u are to others ...
trusting others tht i've known before is hard . but for u its getting easier .
it is bcoz i love you . i love you ubby .
i used to love drunk . love drunk on you <3<3<3

Sunday, March 13, 2011

keriuhan mlm tuhhh :)

pixc ak mlbk kt dy pixc dy siket ja kt ak . sgt xadil . but memadai . cukop utk pngubt rndu utk smnggu neyy .
soo tihs is him . my ubby+my sunshine *the one in orange shirt jaa(without specs)dkt songkok ad lilitan wrna orange gk . thts him . orange y laenn tuh pedulikann jea . nyebokk mua !!
he is ....
nazatul nazreen b nawi(4ee2)
budakk essemtity !
kesayangan ak forever and always ,..
p/s:ta bolee amekk pixc dy ja . sbb pnjam cam ustzh . takot ttmbul syak wasangka . heheheee;)


thx ubby ! u r here ! u came bck . and pls . nver evr go awy . i need u .
ubby , abby syg ubby sgt3 ! ubby ttap xkesahh , wlauon dh bkalikalii abby saketkan aty ubby sbb u'll still forgive me even i've kill u .thts my promise !! ubby , u r the sunshine of my life . u brought up the light tht hve been shut for such a long time ago , abby xtahukk nk ckp cam mnerr tme tuhh . hppy sgt . sbb tuhh abby diam jepp tme abby tny smlm . bkn xsudii syg but, trllu trharu larr .. ubby !!! ilyilyilyilyilyilyilyilysfdm !!!
and for now i declared u are my one and only SUNSINE and UBBY !!
and for now i declared u are mine and im yours !!
and for now i declared there will be only u tht i'll love !!

Saturday, March 12, 2011


gugurny hrpnku sma sprti jatuhny hujan dri langit ke bumi
hancurnya hatiku sma sprti kaca y brderai stlh jtuh trhempas ke batu
peritny rasa ini spreti trpecahny pembuluh drahku .


Tpy, hati mana y snggop melihat insan y disygi dmiliki org lain ? yg benar . bukan ak orgny ..ak mnusia pny kelemhan . tiada y sempurna . ak pny rsa marah,sedih,gelisah,geram,rimas... Ya , y pasti ak sgt2 kecewa . kecewa adlh prasaan y sebenarny dan tepat utk mnggmbrkn rsa dhatiku kini . xperlu memiliki ? ya , xprlu memiliki xbrmksud harus merelakn dia di ambil y lain .sinar kebhagiaan y bru hndk menmpkkn seriny terus tnggelam dek kerana khilafku , sgt ku kecewa . htiku parah !!
tuhan tlg nyatakn lah pdany ttng cinta . tuhan tunjukkn pdany driku masih mncntai .,
jika cinta ney prlukan ak utk merelakn dy brsma y lain . SUMPAH !! ak xsnggop .
ak xsekuat tuhh ! dgrkah la prmntaan hti y trakhir hyt ini , dan berikanlah erti pda hdupku y trhmpas yg trlps pelukn mu brsma mu dan tnp mu ... ak hlng selalu ..
whreever u go . whtevr u do . i will be right here waitng for u ....
to you my BUDDY(as u are no longer my ubby) thres only a thing tht i want u to know from me ..it is .
thres no other when u r the one im in love with .,
thres no other when u r my love .
thres no other when im silent out of words for the past two weeks
thres no other too when im always avoiding u .
thers only u .
only u . only u . only u . only u .....
iloveyou ! how do i describe it ? it is sooo deep . iloveyou hunny !!!!
abby cyg ubby cgt . teman blajo ckp mcm deme . smta2 ubby tahukk ? ubby . kta rncng mcm2 utk kta . but it will not happen . sbb ? sbbny ubby slahkn abby . abby mmng nk mla ckp dh ngn ubby . but ubby xsbq cm sllu !!! ubby ., im sorryy !
abby mnx maaf bnyk2 at ubby !
ubby pls . come bck ! i need u so much in my lifeee ! whts gonna hppen to me when we are at school ????? i know u'll say tht "abg izal kome kn ade !!"
and u know i'll say "dy tuhh abe angkt tmn . xsme cm kome !!"
dh boring ky dgn conversation tuhh ! tlg lah fhm ubby ku syg ., he is ur czen . and he does hve his own gf . he love as his godsis . and i love him as my godbro ! abby sllu ngadu at ubby sal abby tadk abg kn ? abby nk abg kn ? sbb tuh lar abby ad abg izal . sbb tuh lar jgk abby xbole nk declare untied ngn dy . ubby pls ky ? abby cyg kamu . if im not wrong dy balek ke tmpt y sma ngn ubby kn ? korang dok serumah kn skunk ney ? abby thu abg izal dh cter evrythng rte smlm ?
im really2 confident tht he hastold u bout i cried through phone&i've cried before by his shoulder when we were talking bout u ? and thts the one whts make u so envy towards him ? rte ? iknow how u are . ubby xbole org dkt lngsung ngn abby . even kwn seklas . pls ubby . i need some space . abby twu lar btas2 nk kwn when im tied with u . ubby , klu abby kwn ngn owg len pon ubby ttap kesygngn abby . no others lar syg !! abg izal is ur czen and my godbro ! nothing more bout us .
and kak nor is his gf whch is ur ex-godsis ! and im ok with tht . if u do wnt to hv a new wnt . go ahead . i dont mind . u wnt a sis . while for me . i want a bro .
ubby kehlngn kakak kndung tme umor 8 thun . and i dont hve any elders snce i was born . its our destiny . so , its not wrong for us to hve one although just as adopted . mark tht my ubby .

Friday, March 11, 2011

love ?apakah itu ? ak love dy kah ?

nazatul nazreen bin nawi
ya .. stu nma y pnh ak ktakn ak bnci pdany . tpy, ak ta bole tpu driku+htyku .
dy dh mnguasai keseluruhannya . ak xtrdaya nk ktakn x utk love dy .
yessss, ak mg love dy , only dy . dy bjya buat ak melt , spnjng 2 mnggu ak kt sna . lngsung xtgoq dy . dy ja sllu gegeh llu dpn cls ak . pas tuhh my amek ayo at aspuri sbb nk tgk ak . dy ad send letter ak xlyn . seksa ohh ! tgk ja dy xbole nk p dkt cm sllu . sdeh sgt tgk mka dy bla dy pggl ak at xdgq . ak kejam sbb dy dh uat ak saket aty kt dy but ak xbole tpu dry ak ckp ak xlove dy . ak love dy sgt2 . i need him . he's my everything . he's mine and im his . iloveyou syg !!
ak tw ak dh bnyk sgt bg saket aty dy . tme ak dgq sora dy frst2 smpy skolh ary tuh hny tuhan y tw cm na mia hhpy to know tht he is safe to be back at school with me again . hny tuhan y thu cm na mia hppy ak bla dpt letter dry dy , ropa2ny dy stll ingt ak .
dy tny pa salah dy ?act, xslah sgt pon . ak ja uat lbeh , but kesabaran dy y uat ak jles kt dy . tuh la slah dy . dy sbq ngn ak . tpy ak xbole nk sbq ngn dy .sbb pa ak jlez ? sbb ak xbole uat cm tuh . syg , im sory ky ? i miss you so damn much lah .
i want to talk to you . i need to hear ur voice .
im sory about evrythng . tdy dy my ckp ngn owg sblom kta mua balek but owg ckp mw xmw ja . dy bg letter owg amek boh dlm beg . smpy skunk owg xbca sbb owg tkot dgn realiti . owg tkot dy dh hlng sbq . dy tlis bnd y slma ney owg xmw dy kta kt owg . nazreen syg . nabila syg kamu sgt2 . nabila xmw nazreen hlng . nabila xmw nazreen tgglkn nabila . ckoplah 2mnggu ney . dy p comp rugby pon owg uat tatw ja . sdngkan kt pdng skolh kta ja pon . owg bole p turon bg sokongn . tpy sbb ego . owg neglect dy . owg rsa rugi sgt . tme owg dpt tw team skolh kta mnang owg bngga sgt . sbb slah stu score tuh dry dy . rmy bdk aspuri ckp2 sal dy . owng thn tlinga ja dgq mua tuh . ad gk y sngja my kirim2 salam kt dy mllui owg . sbq bnyk ja kot . hlng sbq mkn pnmpaq ja dpa tuhh .dy plk asyik tduh owg sal lyn boy len at skolh .mna da owg lyn . dpa tuh mua mmbe ja kot , xsma cm dy .only u y akn jdy sunshine in my heart FOREVER !! syazwan tuh BFF(best FRIEND forever) dy bny tlg owg dlm clss . kmy share ilmu . ngn dy owg xbole nk share ilmu but owg share love sama2 . sbb xkn mnjdy mia klu owg share ilmu bgb dy . ilmu love bole ar . tlg la fhm .,,prlukah kta gdoh sbb ney ?awt nk kna seksa dry sbb bnd remeh cm ney ? wasting of time
bout abg rizal . pls , dy tuh abg angkt ja . dy pon dh ad grl sndry xdk mkan kmy nk on snyp2 !! dy dh c abg btol kot . slluny kmy t smbng sal study+psl gf ngn bf sndry ja . gf dy pon tw sal owg ngn dy . gf dy bole trma . dy sbgai bf owg tlg la fhm jgk !!owg bole sbq bla ad pompuan len my kim salam+bg surat kt dy mua . sdngkn dy dh tw terang2 muhd fawwaz rizal tuh adlh abg angkt owg kot .. xtpu xsorok pon dry dy . tonte will be the nte tht ill make the decision !!!