

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

u says "u're the one tht owns my heart !"
i says "ya rte ! lying ... "
u says "i love u a lot !"
i says "i love u more ."
u says "u're such a BEAUTIFUL LIAR !"
i asked "why did u say tht ,my dear ?"
u answered "look at u . does not even look at me when u say those words . how sad !"
i says "im sorry . but deep in my heart , i do love u ! it just tht i hve a problem ."
u says "if u do hve a problem , u should be sharing it with me ! im ur BF . MY DUTY IS TO HELP U IN ANY SITUATION !"
i says "my problem is U !!!! do u got tht ?!!"
u says (while looking so down) "whts the matter with u ? wht hve i done ?"
i says "u'r tooooooo looking forward toward whts not really gonna happen !!!! do u got tht ?"
u says "really ? im so sorry . i've got to go . bye !"
i says "im sorry ! but tht was my problem . but u says tht i can share it with u . and i hve knew about this , tht u will disappointed when u hear it . im really sorry . really really sorry ,my dear .......
u says "no ,its ok . its my fault too . im too hoping about us . u did nothing wrong . at least i know tht u'r not ready for something BIG like whts gonna happen ,sayang "
i says "thx my dear . u really understand me . but again . im so sorry . it just tht . i wanna finish my word with juast a sentence . and it dooen't mean i wanna BREAK OFF . it is soo not true . i love u . but im not ready for tht MARRIAGE . I do really hope u would understand me .
u says "its ok . i understand tht . BREAK OFF ? wth !! no !! i wont accept tht even if u asked for it . i do really love u sayang . its only u tht owns my heart . no others !! and i know u knew about tht . rte ?
I says "yes . i know tht ! thx my dear . really appriciate tht . u wanna to know wht ? u will be the last tht owns my heart . and u are my only one and i love the most .
u says "thx sayang . u are my everything . i cant live without u .
*they we're hugging and walked back home together !.

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